The credit union industry is bountiful with avenues for personal and professional growth. As long as the endgame is to improve the lives of your members, we recommend you take advantage of any or all of the following opportunities…
CUES Emerge
This is a fantastic opportunity for emerging credit union leaders. One of our former directors of the YCUP Board, Shannon Cahoon, was awarded the CUES NCTUE in 2016. YCUP President, Michael Murdoch, was a top-five finalist, the same year. With an electric involvement from the amazing DDJ Meyers and Currency, we promise one whirlwind of a competition.
YP LEAD Program
Louise Herring once said, “Be ashamed to die until you have won a victory for humanity.” We identify with that.
The credit union movement holds life experiences you’ll not soon forget. If you are unsure where to get started within the movement, we would love to discuss and mentor you through the amazing GoWest YP LEADs program.
CRASH Program
Much thanks to the Cooperative Trust and through the support of CUNA, Crash events are specific to young credit union professionals and are planned alongside existing credit union conferences. Crash an event and we guarantee it will change your life.
There are many throughout the year so keep an eye out for the ONE FOR YOU.